Experience what air selling should be
Multisource air content, normalized and optimized for your business. Welcome to Mystifly’s Smart Selling Platform.
![SSP Smart Selling Platform](https://help.mystifly.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/mystifly-SSP-logo.png)
Why SSP?
sourcing selling servicing settlement
is here
New gen PaaS built for today’s world of multisource air.
![SSP Smart Selling Platform](https://help.mystifly.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/mystifly-SSP-logo.png)
Multisource air connectivity covering NDC, LCC, GDS, and a Consolidator Marketplace
Normalized in one robust API
Offer and order management
Channel, incentive, and revenue optimization
Post-booking automation
Void, re-issue, refunds
Why SSP?
All of your air content in one place – futureproofed.
Say goodbye to content fragmentation, disconnected workflows, or last-minute changes.
GDS, LCC, or NDC - it’s all here.
Load more
Normalized and optimized for intelligent air shopping, intuitive selling, order management and seamless post-booking automation.
Protect your business from distribution change.
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Swap air content sourcing without impacting the travel shopping experience. Futureproofed air selling – and NDC at your own pace – has arrived with SSP!
SSP Agent
Integrate via API or agent portal
Equip travel advisors to shop, sell, and service multisource air.
Shop and book flights and ancillaries
Automate markups, fees, rebates
Integrated ticketing and fulfillment
Post-booking automation
Optional agent user interface supports full scope of shop, sell, and service.
Developer-friendly API for easy and quick integration with 24/7 support.
"OriginDestinationInformations": [
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00",
"OriginLocationCode": "BLR",
"DestinationLocationCode": "DXB"
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-13T00:00:00",
"OriginLocationCode": "DXB",
"DestinationLocationCode": "BLR"
"TravelPreferences": {
"MaxStopsQuantity": "Direct",
"VendorPreferenceCodes": [
"CabinPreference": "Y",
"Preferences": {
"CabinClassPreference": {
"CabinType": "Y",
"PreferenceLevel": "Restricted"
"AirTripType": "Return"
"PricingSourceType": "Public",
"IsRefundable": true,
"PassengerTypeQuantities": [
"Code": "ADT",
"Quantity": 1
"RequestOptions": "Fifty",
"NearByAirports": true,
"Target": "Test",
"ConversationId": "string"
"FareSourceCode": "T054NjA1Sml2aklUWlpTY3R2elEyYkh2SHlZNjk2YjIxSmtrQXl1NkpSTWtmWWgvWE56VVdZOFM0dDJQS3Z5MXl2REdtMVVyV0QwYkkzbzF4RDg4N1pyd2dGcXV2RlJzajZvcDZnTWRJcjJSVEo1S0JpamhaQWRNNktVMWlLb1A=",
"TravelerInfo": {
"AirTravelers": [
"PassengerType": "ADT",
"Gender": "M",
"PassengerName": {
"PassengerTitle": "MR",
"PassengerFirstName": "ABRAHAM",
"PassengerLastName": "LINCOLN"
"DateOfBirth": "1988-01-03T00:00:00",
"Passport": {
"PassportNumber": "Z876789",
"ExpiryDate": "2025-01-03T00:00:00",
"Country": "IN"
"SpecialServiceRequest": {
"SeatPreference": "Any",
"MealPreference": "Any",
"RequestedSegments": [
"Origin": "BLR",
"Destination": "DXB",
"FlightNumber": "EK569",
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00",
"RequestSSRs": [
"SSRCode": "Any",
"FreeText": "Meal MOML"
"PassengerNationality": "IN",
"NationalID": "IN"
"CountryCode": "91",
"AreaCode": "080",
"PhoneNumber": "87657897",
"Email": "apisupport@mystifly.com",
"PostCode": "560028"
"Target": "Test",
"ptrType": "Refund",
"mFRef": "MF09536419",
"AllowChildPassenger": true,
"reissueQuoteRequestType": "None",
"passengers": [
"firstName": "Tim",
"lastName": "Cook",
"title": "Mr",
"eTicket": "1234678",
"passengerType": "ADT"
New to air selling? We have you covered.
A complete Platform as a Service to quickly add air selling to your business.
Online Travel Agencies
E-Commerce Businesses
Loyalty & Concierge Businesses
Travel Technology Players
Wholesalers & Aggregators
We are Mystifly
Innovators dedicated to making air selling easy, flexible and profitable.
years industry experience
News & insights
Keep your finger on the pulse with fresh news and sharp insights on air selling from Mystifly.
Introducing The Sellerverse
Welcome back to the Mystifly blog, where our exploration of air content distribution continues with the series, "Rise of Multisource." In this chapter, we introduce the...
Exploring Multisource Air Content: A Cheat Sheet for Travel Sellers
We've created "Exploring Multisource Air Content: A Cheat Sheet for Travel Sellers" to recognize and celebrate air content's diversity and vitality. This guide highlights the...
Exploring the Multisource
Mystifly presents 'The Rise of Multisource,' a fresh series delving into the air-selling domain. This exploration uncovers an unexpectedly varied landscape of air content...
Elevate Your Air Selling Business with Mystifly.
Connect With Us Today.
![Mystifly SSP Agent Screenshot](https://mystifly.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/mystifly-ssp-agent-screenshot.png)
![Mystifly SSP Manager UX](https://mystifly.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/mystifly-ssp-manager-screenshot.png)